Did you catch that?
In case you're still lagging behind the times, I'm very excited. Renate can't fathom that I'm interested in going to Ireland alone in December. Here's why I am excited to be going to Ireland, alone, in December.
- The Saw Doctors are ridiculously good. Thank you, Dad, for finding them. The come from Ireland, and are very patriotic in a people-loving way, and very critical of the Church, can be of the government, etc. They're similar to Bruce Springsteen like that. And we all know that I really like Bruce Springsteen. Give him an Irish accent, and yummy. The same way seeing Bruce in Philly or NJ is special, so is seeing the Saw Docs in Ireland, especially west Ireland. The concert I'm going to is in Galway, at the Warwick Hotel, where the photo on the cover of The Saw Docs' first album was taken. Also, the guys in the picture are the dads of the band members. Or that's what the guy at the record shop in Galway told me. Anyways, it's a rather historic place for the band, and is bound to be a stunning show. The music is also simply beautiful at times. You hear a song and you are given this moment. It's a wonderful gift of a moment when you form a picture in your mind of a small island in Ireland, or what the night-time sky looks like, or the construction that is slowly destroying traditional culture, or you hear Gaelic lyrics and the language whirls around you and it's mystic and old and so very intangible.
- My Irish Lit course was inspiring. Of course I didn't sign up for Irish Lit thinking, "Oh, yay! Irish literature! And reading James Joyce at the end my Senior year when I can't be bothered to think about anything challenging! Whoopee!" But I wanted a class (a real class, not Writing About Film) with Wendy, and Shakespeare didn't fit my schedule, and so Irish Lit it was. And I'm so glad I took it. The stuff we read was beautiful and thought-provoking, but what sticks with me most are the images. The images of a couple of birds or flowers which struck a bored monk hundreds of years ago as particularly noteworthy. Images of Ireland's fierce, craggy west coast and the vicious sea and wind. You read Synge's "Riders to the Sea" and you can feel the breeze burning your face and taste the salt air. And of course Joyce. What images don't appeare there? It's all imagery. The scene from Joyce that I remember best is from Dubliners' "The Dead," as they are riding in a carriage through the city and it's snowing and they come to a statue near Trinity College and there is snow on the statue. It sounds miserably, really, late at night, snow, marriage issues, carriage, snow. I doubt I will enjoy the weather in Ireland, but this image won't leave me alone. I really don't like winter. I especially don't like snow in winter. That said, part of me would be happy to see it snow, just so I can see these images in the flesh. To make them a bit more there.
- I'm ready to do this alone. Although I am pretty much "on my own" this year, I'm by no means alone. Yeah, I get lonely sometimes, but I'm not alone. I have my family, both here in Germany and back in Philly, my fellow FSJlers, etc. I just have that feeling that I'm ready to do something alone. I'm an only child, not the most social person, and being alone doesn't bother me too much, as long as I know that when I come back, I won't still be alone.
Dec. 27 (Thursday): Fly from Berlin to Dublin. I'll be arriving in Dublin around 5pm, and taking either a train or a bus to Galway. A train would be nicer, prettier, but it will most likely already be dark, so it won't make much of a difference. Check in at the Inishmore Guesthouse
in Galway. Apparently they speak German there. *shrug* I made the reservations in English and she had an Irish accent. It is about a five minute walk from downtown Galway and five mins from the beach and near the concert hall.
Dec. 28 (Friday): Make my way into downtown Galway to pick up my ticket for the concert. The guy at the record store is really nice. I called today to make sure I could pick up the tickets the day of the concert, and he said, "Oh yeah, you're the lonely heart from Germany!" So, yeah, pick up my one single ticket to a concert I'm flying internationally to go to. Maybe I am a lonely heart? The concert is later this evening at the Warwick Hotel.
Dec. 29-31 (Sat - Mon): These are the other days I will be in Galway. There's a lot I want to do, numero uno being Soak Up The City. Just.... be there. Walk around a lot. Drink an Irish beer. Eat some mussels. Specifically, I would enjoy:
- Going to Claddagh, a small fishing village just outside of Galway, where the famed Claddagh ring has its origin.
- Visiting the Aran Islands, which lie off the west coast of Ireland. This could be problematic, as one must take a coach to a small village about an hour from Galway, then a ferry trip to the islands, and all that in reverse. What with it being just after Christmas, I'm not sure how often they will be traveling -- both due to the holiday and the weather.
- Going to the Market. There's supposed to be a big market every Saturday, and I'm hoping it happens despite winter.
- There is at least one Gaelic-language theater in Galway. I would very much like to go see a show there. Not that I would understand a word, but it would be very lovely, I'm sure.
Jan. 2-3 (Wed - Thurs): These are my two main days in Dublin, along with whatever is left of the day on Jan 1st. I'm not sure what I want to do in Dublin. Soak Up The City is a good start. I'll be doing some more research over the next month, but some sightseeing, some wandering, some eating. It can't be all that bad.
Jan. 4 (Friday): Leave bright and early for my 11:40am flight back to Berlin.
Whoosh! When I write it out like that, it suddenly seems like a lot more time and details than I thought it was. Not to mention that, although I feel ready to do this trip alone, I am freaking out about the organizational tidbits. I am really nervous about missing planes, getting the wrong plane, making reservations correctly, etc. But it looks like everything is going to be alright. Now I just need to do it.